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Mnangagwa urges women to stop gossipping

by Staff reporter
08 Dec 2018 at 09:39hrs | Views
FIRST Lady Auxilia Mnangagwa has urged women in Zanu-PF to desist from gossiping, which she described as a destructive tendency that causes discord within the party.

Speaking at a Zanu-PF Women's League national assembly meeting in Harare yesterday, the First Lady said she had an open-door policy but she does not entertain gossipers.

"I urge all women to shun gossiping. Gossip destroys the party. Let us respect each other, love each and teach each other to do good for the development of the country.

"Zanu-PF women must be known all over for good works and it will be easy to woo people to the party if we behave well out there.

"My door is always open for all of you, but do not come with gossip. We should lead by example and stop the destructive tendency of speaking ill of others," said the First Lady.

The meeting ran under the theme "Unshakable Women in Support of Unwavering Action-oriented Leadership".

Zanu-PF secretary for Women's League Mabel Chinomona warned women against establishing parallel structures within the party saying the intelligence unit was watching them.

"Do you know that President ED Mnangagwa was the one who set up the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO)? You think your plans are not known?

"We are watching you. We do not enjoy firing people from the party and I urge you to desist from practices of destroying the party from within. Let us work together to build our party," said Chinomona.

Secretary for Administration, Monica Mutsvangwa, urged women to be true Zanu-PF cadres who defend the ruling party at all costs.

"Be Zanu-PF at heart and also be prepared to defend your party all the time.

"Your actions must show that you are truly Zanu-PF," said Mutsvangwa. Mutsvangwa said Women's League should remain united.

"During the 'Thank You Rallies' in Mashonaland West this year, President Mnangagwa praised Women's League for unity saying the wing did not have any discord.

Source - chronicle