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Westerhof eyes Joel Luphahla's job

by Staff reporter
11 Jan 2019 at 04:22hrs | Views
FORMER Zimbabwe coach Clemens Westerhof has said he is willing to come to Zimbabwe to guide Premiership newboys TelOne as well as working on an advisory role for a local academy. However, the Premiership debutants have dismissed news linking them to the Dutchman and said they have confidence in coach Joel Luphahla.

"I am currently thinking about combining a job in Zimbabwe as a coach at a telecom club in Gweru together with an advisory role at a football academy, the Peter Mubi Academy," Westerhof told the BBC.

"They want me to improve the academy, build it from the ground up. I hope I can achieve there what I've done in Nigeria in the past and improve the level of football in Zimbabwe in general.

"Ajax already has it with Ajax Cape Town and I am thinking about a partnership with either Vitesse, PSV or Feyenoord.

"I want to go to PSV and ask head coach Mark van Bommel and his advisor Bert van Marwijk to work with us.''

But, TelOne immediately dismissed the veteran gaffer saying they do not have any plans to replace Luphahla.

"I have heard about that and I even read the story, but I do not think he is referring to us," said club president Lloyd Mtetwa.

"It is actually the first time, in a very long-time, I am hearing his name, I last heard of his name close to a decade ago.

"If he is referring to us that will be shocking because I have never talked to him before and we never discussed about bringing on board a coach.

"He is a great coach with a very big profile and if he comes to work in Zimbabwe that will go a long way in helping the development of the game in this country.

"I will be very happy if he comes to work in Zimbabwe because I know it will open a lot of opportunities for Zimbabwean players to join foreign clubs. "But for the record, even if he is coming to Zimbabwe, he is definitely not coming to TelOne.''

Source - chronicle