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Chiwenga captures Herald?

by Mandla Ndlovu
22 Jan 2019 at 06:03hrs | Views
Gokwe – Nembudziya Member of Parliament has insinuated that a faction of ZANU PF has captured the state owned Herald sanctioning it to snub President Emmerson Mnangagwa's arrival in the country shelving it to page 2 of the paper.

"His Excellency, President Emmerson Mnangagwa's return only makes Page 2? Something cooking over at Herald. It will all end with a lot of egg on some faces." Wadyajena said. "What is going on Cdes Nick Mangwana,  Energy Mutodi and where are you Editor at Large Caesar Zvayi?"

This is not the first time that Herald has been accused of taking sides in a ZANU PF factional fight. During the Lacoste and G40 days former First Lady Grace Mugabe accused Presidential Spokesman George Charamba of instructing Herald to cover only certain Ministers and write bad about those aligned to G40.

On Tuesday Wadyajena mocked exiled Professor Jonathan Moyo and ZimLive editor Mduduzi Mathuthu saying the coup on Mnangagwa that was allegedly being plotted by a faction aligned to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga failed.

"Good morning ProfJonathan Moyo and  Mduduzi Mathuthu. It didn't pan out quite as you had envisaged, did it? Always on the losing side. I hope you have learnt now that it is impossible to outwit, outsmart  and outdo The Grandmaster! Your masters made the greatest political miscalculation of the century."

Earlier on Monday Wadyajen ahad revealed that the faction of ZANU PF plotting to topple Mnangagwa was threatening his life and family.

"I may be just a Growth Point MP but in these abnormal times, I know that the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names. Herewith one of the numbers used to threaten me: +27613905815.

"They threatened to kill me and harm my family. I stand by Mnangagwa and wish they knew ours isn't just a political relationship. However they try, we will never quit nor be intimidated. The plot is foiled, they lack numbers for impeachment." He said.

Source - Byo24News