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Latest on Evan Mawarire

by Mandla Ndlovu
23 Jan 2019 at 04:30hrs | Views
#ThisFlag founder Pastor Evan Mawarire's bail application at the High Court was supposed to commence this morning at 9am, but it has now been delayed until Friday the 25th because the State was not ready.

This means Mawarire would have spent 8 days before he appears for the bail petition on Friday.

Mawarire was arrested on 17 January being accused of subverting a constitutional government.

If found guilty Mawarire faces up to 20 years in prison without the option of a fine.

He is charged under section 22 of the Criminal Law Act and is facing up to 20 years in prison.

The Act says: Any person who, whether inside or outside Zimbabwe

(a) organises or sets up, or advocates, urges or suggests the organisation or setting up of, any group or body with a view to that group or body

(i) overthrowing or attempting to overthrow the Government by unconstitutional means; or

(ii) taking over or attempting to take over the Government by unconstitutional means or usurping the functions of the Government; or

(iii) coercing or attempting to coerce the Government; or

 (b) supports or assists any group or body in doing or attempting to do any of the things described in subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii) of paragraph

(a); shall be guilty of subverting constitutional government and liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twenty years without the option of a fine.

Source - Byo24News