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'ZUPCO buses brought to destroy Bulawayo'

by Mandla Ndlovu
04 Feb 2019 at 10:34hrs | Views
Mthwakazi Republic Party President Mqondisi Moyo has alleged that the recently introduced Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (ZUPCO) buses in Bulawayo are a ploy by ZANU PF to takeover business from indigenous Bulawayo residents.

In a statement on Monday Moyo said, "The real and true people of Bulawayo must refuse to have the prospect of running a transport business by their children and grand children, wiped away to benefit businesses from Mashonaland. What this government move does, is to fly against the spirit of devolution that the government has tried frantically to suppress."

Moyo further said his party will be mobilizing citizens to resists against the introduction of ZUPCO buses. "We will soon announce our way forward on our resolve to mobilise the people of Bulawayo to shun and resist these evil busses. It is now or never. Let's all protect Bulawayo for our children. Let's not live for today and forget that there is a tomorrow."

Read his full statement below:

Mthwakazi Republic Party is utterly dismayed by the introduction of the so called Zupco busses in Bulawayo. The worst stinker of this whole arrangement is the government's shameless act of bringing buses from Mashonaland to destroy the transport economy in Bulawayo.

The real and true people of Bulawayo must refuse to have the prospect of running a transport business by their children and grand children, wiped away to benefit businesses from Mashonaland. What this government move does, is to fly against the spirit of devolution that the government has tried frantically to suppress.

If you are truly a resident of Matabeleland, let me remind you that all that is happening in our region is a direct contribution of this failed government. We all agree that the Kombi drivers and windis have not been treating people well, but they are our children, we don't need ZANU PF and Harare to reign our own children to order. We need to do so ourselves. All that we need to do is to bring back our power as residents of Bulawayo and control the taxi industry. It has been very unfortunate to hear some notable civic organizations in Matabeleland supporting these tribally deployed buses.

A government that can not control imitshova, is not a normal one. A government that opts to compete with its indigenous businesses, as a corrective measure to corporate sanity, is not a normal one. A government that retaliates by condemning its business people to poverty, is out of touch with reality and is not a normal one. The few kombis that operates in Bulawayo, employs three people each, which is the driver, his assistant and the owner. The proceeds take hundreds of children to school and feeds many mouths.

Bantu bako Bulawayo, let's open our eyes, this program has come to destroy than to help Bulawayo. When all these young boys are laid off from work we will have a burden of dealing with crime koBulawayo. We can't be defeated by abantu bemtshova, let's all come together, put them to order and support this industry for the future of our children.

These Inter Africa buses and others from Mashonaland are coming here to loot and destroy the little we have. Bulawayo no longer belongs to the people of Bulawayo, hence let us not follow people who are supporting amabhasi akibo, while killing our own.

These busses are not from government, they are from ZANU PF which has identified a political opportunity. We have been fooled for many decades, asiphaphameni ebuthongweni Bantu bakoMthwakazi. Mnangagwa must stop his deceptive mantra that Zimbabwe is open for business. These are just executive lies.

The entire industry in Bulawayo was systematically relocated from Bulawayo under our noses, and we kept quiet. The National Railways was deliberately destroyed to give business opportunity to Harare owners of Haulage trucks to make millions, and we kept quiet. Today they are pushing out our little transport industry, and we are keeping quiet, in fact we are tripping over each other supporting them. Wise up Mthwakazi

We will soon announce our way forward on our resolve to mobilise the people of Bulawayo to shun and resist these evil busses. It is now or never. Let's all protect Bulawayo for our children. Let's not live for today and forget that there is a Tomorrow, that we need to guard jealously for our children.

We can't build Bulawayo through temporary emotions, but love, unity and strategy and a lasting vision.

SISONKE Sibambene Singu Mthwakazi Sizokulungisa.

For Peace and Justice in Our Lifetime

Mqondisi Moyo
MRP President

Source - Byo24News