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'Chamisa doesn't have a following, it's just the social media,' claims Matemadanda

by Staff reporter
25 Feb 2019 at 08:15hrs | Views
Patriotic youths should desist from engaging in acts of violence and should emulate President Mnangagwa who is always preaching peace, a Politburo member has said.

Addressing hundreds of mourners at the burial of the chairperson of Children of Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association Sophia Moyo at Mutasa Cemetery in Gweru last week, Deputy Minister of Defence and War Veterans Affairs Victor Matemadanda said engaging in violence was tantamount to sabotaging gains of the liberation struggle.

Moyo, who was also Zanu-PF Matinunura District chairperson in Gweru, died on Monday last week at Gweru Provincial Hospital due to labour complications.

"Youths who love their country must not participate in any acts of violence. They should rather emulate President Mnangagwa who is always preaching peace."

Matemadanda blasted MDC-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa for pushing a regime change agenda which he said was uncalled for since President Mnangagwa was duly-elected.

"Even nine Constitutional Court judges indicated that President Mnangagwa was a legitimate leader and therefore people like Chamisa should drop their regime change agenda and work towards the socio-economic development of the country," he said.

"Chamisa doesn't have a following, it's just the social media. As youths let us all rally behind President Mnangagwa.

"That is where solutions to our problems lie."

He said the National Youth Service programme should be brought back into tertiary schools and training centres to instil discipline and patriotism in youths so that they have the country at heart.

Matemadanda said the late Moyo should have been declared a provincial war hero because she was a dedicated cadre who was supporting Government programmes from Matinunura District.

"She was a very committed and hardworking woman," he said.

Moyo should have been declared a provincial hero as she was a very hardworking and multi-talented woman.

"I urge the youth to desist from violence and emulate our President in preaching peace in the country just like what Moyo did. Regardless of her age the party will always recognise her and her works will forever be recognised. Rest in peace Moyo," he said.

Moyo is survived by her husband and daughter.

Source - the herald