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Sniffer dogs to be used to recover Cyclone Idai bodies

by Staff reporter
27 Mar 2019 at 06:45hrs | Views
South Africa yesterday despatched a team of 12 people - including police officers and sniffer dogs - to Manicaland Province to help with rescue and recovery efforts being spearheaded by the Government.

The South African team, which is expected to start work today, is led by Mr Justine Colbert. It will assist to recover trapped bodies, and distribute humanitarian assistance donated by Gift of the Givers Foundation in the form of wheelchairs, advanced life support machines, stationary for school children, blankets, clothes and food stuffs.

Briefing journalists yesterday soon after the team's arrival at the South African Embassy and before its departure for Manicaland, South African Ambassador to Zimbabwe Ambassador Mphakama Mbete said the team came under the umbrella of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, which has been working with the South African government over the years. He said the team was coming in at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

"We have in our midst a big team from South Africa comprising of members from South African police who have come here to assist in the aftermath of cyclone Idai. They are coming here under the umbrella of the Gift of the Givers Foundation," he said.

"A few days ago the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade said what is urgently needed in Zimbabwe is a rescue team and sniffer dogs to assist in recovering trapped bodies," he said.

"Many people have disappeared and indeed from time to time corpses of people are being found mainly on the Zimbabwean side but sometimes on the Mozambique side. I am very happy that team South Africa has finally sent a team of people to assist in this regard," said Ambassador Mbete.

Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister July Moyo, who chairs the Cabinet Committee on Environment, Disaster Prevention and Management, told corporates earlier yesterday that the South African contingent will work with the ZRP and army units who are already in the area.

Source - the herald