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Mugabe airlifted to Singapore

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 Apr 2019 at 05:42hrs | Views
Former President Robert Mugabe is not feeling well and has been airlifted to Singapore to seek medical treatment President Emmerson Mnangagwa has revealed.

In an pre-Independence interview with State Broadcaster ZTV Mnangagwa said the former president is in Singapore where he is receiving medical attention.

Mnangagwa also took time to explain that he communicates with  Mugabe at times on a daily basis and sometimes weekly and when he is unable to, a mechanism has been put in place to ensure sound relations.

He said  Mugabe is the founding father of independent Zimbabwe and him and his predecessor together with his family enjoy cordial relations.

ZBC has announced that the full interview will be beamed on the eve of independence next Wednesday.

Source - Byo24News