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UZ students grill Prophet Magaya
02 May 2019 at 19:08hrs | Views

UNIVERSITY of Zimbabwe students had an opportunity to grill Prophetic Healing and Deliverance founder, Prophet Walter Magaya in a question and answer session at the campus' Great Hall on Tuesday.
Prophet Magaya was introduced to the sociology and political science students as "doctor and prophet" by Sociology lecturer, Dr Watch Ruparanganda Chinhenga.
Among the students' burning questions were on the controversial Aguma drug, use of anointing oil, wearing of wrist bands and bracelets, prosperity gospel, emergence of self-styled prophets, one on one, sponsoring soccer and church position on political leaders.
Below are some of the exchanges during the question and answer sessions:
QUESTION: What is the church's position especially prophets on political leaders given that people feel some are not from God and how do we know that they (politicians) are chosen by God considering that they are elected through votes.
ANSWER: It is the mandate of all church leaders to pray for leaders currently in positions. The Bible is clear on that issue and it does not say we have to pray and honour former leaders or aspiring leaders but those on positions.
Church leaders who encourage members to revolt against leaders in positions are not only causing people to suffer but fighting God, who allows anyone he or she wants to rule.
These leaders are chosen by God for a specific purpose. Each one is called to do a specific task and we have to respect that.
No matter elections are carried, some who may have a spirit against the one who is wanted by God fail to vote for various reasons to allow the one they do not want to win so the Holy Spirit helps much in controlling to fulfill God's plan. That is why David refused to kill Soul.
All Prophets are different in their calling so political leaders are called to various tasks God wants that nation to be led so be guided accordingly and stop imposing leaders you think suit you or you think are the best to rule when their time has not arrived.
At the fullness of time God sent his son, so our God is of time and seasons. Those who are failing to move on with their business expecting to do it when the one they want is ruling will die before fending for their children and I urge pastors to teach people these things for the good of the nation and read on Romans chapter 13.
Q: Why did you think of using medicine when you introduced Aguma instead of laying hands on sick people since you are a prophet? Also, is this allowed by God and was this accepted internationally since you have a bigger following?
A: Christ Jesus used various ways in healing the sick and among them was his saliva in healing the blind, in the Old Testament Mwari akatoudza muporofita kuti ashandise muti kuisa pamamota munhu akatopora.
I am a human being and get tired that I cannot lay hands on everyone including those in various countries.
What we all agree is that people are sick and some are dying every day due to cancer or HIV and Aids that is why God showed me the plant to use medicine that reaches and be accepted in various countries.
To be sure with the medicine I engaged the learned in that area, who are doctors from India and they approved it. Only that it was unfortunate it was not accepted in my mother country but some of the countries are ever calling me to distribute it in their countries.
We urge people to visit medical doctors before and after visiting Prophets for healing and I want to believe this is what is being encouraged everywhere.
The use of anointing oil and water is not only done by us but Catholics, where I started, use them as well kune chizorwa chevarwere nemvura sande inoiswa pahuma paunopinda mukereke saka Mwari anotendera kuti miti, mvura nezvimwe zvaakasika zvishandiswe pakubatsira ruzhinji.
Mwari anoti ndichavawandichava so he uses anything anytime and instructs a Prophet to do anything depending on situation or people around to the glorification of His name.
Mwari mukuru kupfuura ruzivo rwemunhu uye hatimupedze kanakumuita wedu he is the mighty God who has no beginning or end and cannot be understood by our human minds.
I wish you students put your trust in Him first and add knowledge because you can be the best students before graduation if God does not allow you to live especially those who do not obey their parents.
Q: Why are you promoting soccer instead of concentrating on taking people to Christ and preach about heaven?
A: I do not promote soccer only but many sporting disciplines that includes rugby, volleyball, tennis and many more.
By promoting sport I fight the spirit yekuti kubhora kunoitwa zvemishonga saka ndinovavarira kubvisa vatambi vedu paneizvozvo vovimba nesimba raMwari through sport and with that I have a number of soccer players who turned to God and I have witnessed many attending various churches so we use all ways to win people to Christ.
Apart from sport I as well invite sungura and dancehall musicians at our services to perform for few minutes and other hours are for the gospel that deliver many including those abusing drugs to be transformed by hearing the word of life.
It is important for students to analyse everything before they are quick to give a judgment on anything since most students, who judge books by their covers, miss a lot in their studies.
Many who judge me are never at my services but are at the forefront to criticize us instead of visiting us and get the truth.
I do not go by or change my attitude or calling based on what people say because at the end of the day, they too, are judging me from their perspective.
I would rather by myself and let people accept me for what I am than be somebody who I am not, just because I want people's approval.
Q: Why is it that most emerging prophets are teaching prosperity, do you personally believe in prosperity and how do I know true Prophets?
A: I personally believe in prosperity and some of the books I am donating to you today were bought by my 10-year old son.
At 10 he is already an entrepreneur and this is what I expect most of you to do as students with capabilities of being creative, masters of their destiny, think tanks of nation building and that alone is not done by someone who does not believe in prosperity.
God gave us resources to use and benefit other nations as well and if you are a University student who want to remain poor, you have no reason of wasting your parents' money studying to keep them poor and wait to go to heaven.
If prophets are giving you ideas on how to prosper, they are teaching you good news because Jesus gave food to those who were hungry and gave clothes to the undressed and we must allow you to drive good cars to reach far and that alone is not done by poor people.
Mentality of criticizing things that help you has failed many in their careers and Prophets who has no answers to people's problems are not good.
Emerging prophets are an opportunity to many who hate Prophet Magaya and few others to choose the one they want to follow for the good of their souls and the nation at large.
As for true prophets, let me tell you that you must have a spirit of discerning or an instinct that tells you that you are being fooled but if you do not have this instinct it is more dangerous that there is need to check if you are not abusing drugs or being used by the devil in one way or the other.
Everyone can prophecy including women and they are called prophetess because of their ability to produce and multiply but prophesying does not make you a Prophet.
A Prophet and prophesying are different. You can be able to see where you are heading to and make plans and it is one reason you are studying sociology because you are aiming to fulfill your dreams or what you saw in spirit.
As for Prophets they are given to church by God under five-fold ministries that includes teachers, pastors, evangelists and apostles and their purpose is to equip members to the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of faith, knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man and the fullness of Christ.
People, who are against prosperity need to revisit their Bible Scriptures for correct interpretation because God gave us time on earth to live happily and it was Jesus's wish to bring heaven on earth when he said let thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven and give us our daily bread.
You are at the UZ for daily bread so you need to be taught how to pray and shun teachings that want you to remain poor and wait for heaven.
We heal the sick to enjoy on earth not allow them to die to get to heaven quickly.
In her closing remarks, Tariro Gwangwaba who was representing the Sociology students hailed Prophet Magaya describing him as a man of wisdom and anointed to change people's lives.
She presented a token of appreciation and the students pleaded with their lecturer to allow Prophet Magaya pronounce a blessing on their lives before leaving the Great Hall.
Prophet Magaya thanked the students for their questions saying it helped him know what people think about him and having an opportunity to meet people who challenges him openly.
"I want to thank the lecturer for according me an opportunity to meet people who does not feel threatened to ask me burning questions.
"I learnt a lot from what they were asking me and God gave me grace to answer their burning questions considering that many of the students who were asking are not from my ministry.
"It gave me a chance to know what people say about me and I want to urge many with burning questions to come and meet me other than criticizing me in corridors neavo vanowana mharidzo nezita rangu vachitadza kubatsira vanhu vanengevauya kwavari," said Prophet Magaya urging church leaders and people in authority to seriously help various students for the good of the nation.
Prophet Magaya was introduced to the sociology and political science students as "doctor and prophet" by Sociology lecturer, Dr Watch Ruparanganda Chinhenga.
Among the students' burning questions were on the controversial Aguma drug, use of anointing oil, wearing of wrist bands and bracelets, prosperity gospel, emergence of self-styled prophets, one on one, sponsoring soccer and church position on political leaders.
Below are some of the exchanges during the question and answer sessions:
QUESTION: What is the church's position especially prophets on political leaders given that people feel some are not from God and how do we know that they (politicians) are chosen by God considering that they are elected through votes.
ANSWER: It is the mandate of all church leaders to pray for leaders currently in positions. The Bible is clear on that issue and it does not say we have to pray and honour former leaders or aspiring leaders but those on positions.
Church leaders who encourage members to revolt against leaders in positions are not only causing people to suffer but fighting God, who allows anyone he or she wants to rule.
These leaders are chosen by God for a specific purpose. Each one is called to do a specific task and we have to respect that.
No matter elections are carried, some who may have a spirit against the one who is wanted by God fail to vote for various reasons to allow the one they do not want to win so the Holy Spirit helps much in controlling to fulfill God's plan. That is why David refused to kill Soul.
All Prophets are different in their calling so political leaders are called to various tasks God wants that nation to be led so be guided accordingly and stop imposing leaders you think suit you or you think are the best to rule when their time has not arrived.
At the fullness of time God sent his son, so our God is of time and seasons. Those who are failing to move on with their business expecting to do it when the one they want is ruling will die before fending for their children and I urge pastors to teach people these things for the good of the nation and read on Romans chapter 13.
Q: Why did you think of using medicine when you introduced Aguma instead of laying hands on sick people since you are a prophet? Also, is this allowed by God and was this accepted internationally since you have a bigger following?
A: Christ Jesus used various ways in healing the sick and among them was his saliva in healing the blind, in the Old Testament Mwari akatoudza muporofita kuti ashandise muti kuisa pamamota munhu akatopora.
I am a human being and get tired that I cannot lay hands on everyone including those in various countries.
What we all agree is that people are sick and some are dying every day due to cancer or HIV and Aids that is why God showed me the plant to use medicine that reaches and be accepted in various countries.
To be sure with the medicine I engaged the learned in that area, who are doctors from India and they approved it. Only that it was unfortunate it was not accepted in my mother country but some of the countries are ever calling me to distribute it in their countries.
We urge people to visit medical doctors before and after visiting Prophets for healing and I want to believe this is what is being encouraged everywhere.
The use of anointing oil and water is not only done by us but Catholics, where I started, use them as well kune chizorwa chevarwere nemvura sande inoiswa pahuma paunopinda mukereke saka Mwari anotendera kuti miti, mvura nezvimwe zvaakasika zvishandiswe pakubatsira ruzhinji.
Mwari anoti ndichavawandichava so he uses anything anytime and instructs a Prophet to do anything depending on situation or people around to the glorification of His name.
Mwari mukuru kupfuura ruzivo rwemunhu uye hatimupedze kanakumuita wedu he is the mighty God who has no beginning or end and cannot be understood by our human minds.
I wish you students put your trust in Him first and add knowledge because you can be the best students before graduation if God does not allow you to live especially those who do not obey their parents.
Q: Why are you promoting soccer instead of concentrating on taking people to Christ and preach about heaven?
A: I do not promote soccer only but many sporting disciplines that includes rugby, volleyball, tennis and many more.
By promoting sport I fight the spirit yekuti kubhora kunoitwa zvemishonga saka ndinovavarira kubvisa vatambi vedu paneizvozvo vovimba nesimba raMwari through sport and with that I have a number of soccer players who turned to God and I have witnessed many attending various churches so we use all ways to win people to Christ.
It is important for students to analyse everything before they are quick to give a judgment on anything since most students, who judge books by their covers, miss a lot in their studies.
Many who judge me are never at my services but are at the forefront to criticize us instead of visiting us and get the truth.
I do not go by or change my attitude or calling based on what people say because at the end of the day, they too, are judging me from their perspective.
I would rather by myself and let people accept me for what I am than be somebody who I am not, just because I want people's approval.
Q: Why is it that most emerging prophets are teaching prosperity, do you personally believe in prosperity and how do I know true Prophets?
A: I personally believe in prosperity and some of the books I am donating to you today were bought by my 10-year old son.
At 10 he is already an entrepreneur and this is what I expect most of you to do as students with capabilities of being creative, masters of their destiny, think tanks of nation building and that alone is not done by someone who does not believe in prosperity.
God gave us resources to use and benefit other nations as well and if you are a University student who want to remain poor, you have no reason of wasting your parents' money studying to keep them poor and wait to go to heaven.
If prophets are giving you ideas on how to prosper, they are teaching you good news because Jesus gave food to those who were hungry and gave clothes to the undressed and we must allow you to drive good cars to reach far and that alone is not done by poor people.
Mentality of criticizing things that help you has failed many in their careers and Prophets who has no answers to people's problems are not good.
Emerging prophets are an opportunity to many who hate Prophet Magaya and few others to choose the one they want to follow for the good of their souls and the nation at large.
As for true prophets, let me tell you that you must have a spirit of discerning or an instinct that tells you that you are being fooled but if you do not have this instinct it is more dangerous that there is need to check if you are not abusing drugs or being used by the devil in one way or the other.
Everyone can prophecy including women and they are called prophetess because of their ability to produce and multiply but prophesying does not make you a Prophet.
A Prophet and prophesying are different. You can be able to see where you are heading to and make plans and it is one reason you are studying sociology because you are aiming to fulfill your dreams or what you saw in spirit.
As for Prophets they are given to church by God under five-fold ministries that includes teachers, pastors, evangelists and apostles and their purpose is to equip members to the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of faith, knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man and the fullness of Christ.
People, who are against prosperity need to revisit their Bible Scriptures for correct interpretation because God gave us time on earth to live happily and it was Jesus's wish to bring heaven on earth when he said let thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven and give us our daily bread.
You are at the UZ for daily bread so you need to be taught how to pray and shun teachings that want you to remain poor and wait for heaven.
We heal the sick to enjoy on earth not allow them to die to get to heaven quickly.
In her closing remarks, Tariro Gwangwaba who was representing the Sociology students hailed Prophet Magaya describing him as a man of wisdom and anointed to change people's lives.
She presented a token of appreciation and the students pleaded with their lecturer to allow Prophet Magaya pronounce a blessing on their lives before leaving the Great Hall.
Prophet Magaya thanked the students for their questions saying it helped him know what people think about him and having an opportunity to meet people who challenges him openly.
"I want to thank the lecturer for according me an opportunity to meet people who does not feel threatened to ask me burning questions.
"I learnt a lot from what they were asking me and God gave me grace to answer their burning questions considering that many of the students who were asking are not from my ministry.
"It gave me a chance to know what people say about me and I want to urge many with burning questions to come and meet me other than criticizing me in corridors neavo vanowana mharidzo nezita rangu vachitadza kubatsira vanhu vanengevauya kwavari," said Prophet Magaya urging church leaders and people in authority to seriously help various students for the good of the nation.
Source - dailynews