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British Queen divides Matabeleland leaders

by Mandla Ndlovu
10 May 2019 at 14:50hrs | Views
The decision by Her Majesty the Queen of England to invite United Kingdom based Matabeleland activist Dr Brilliant Sigabade Mhlanga to her 2019 Party at Buckingham Palace has created a war of words between Mhlanga and another Matabeleland activist Michael Mdladla Ndiweni.

Ndiweni who is a member of Matabeleland Collective accused Mhlanga of being a hypocrite after the later recently accused Matabeland Collective of working with the British officials to wood wink the people of Matabeleland to support President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

"So you celebrate when the Queen calls you for coffee, a few weeks back you made frivolous accusations of Matabeleland Collective selling to the British," Ndiweni said. "Now you have audacity to scream on social media by being invited by the British principal who knighted authors of the Genocide.Selective amnesia. Morden day Narsisus."

Mhlanga who would have none of the insults defended himself that he is being recognised for his positive contribution to humanity.

"Michael Mdladla Ndiweni People get recognised for their great contribution to humanity, their acts of valour, and great distinctions in life. Not for selling wares! But I do understand that as a Vendor you are a product of Vending -selling in the streets.

"Surely lowering myself to your unschooled and typically unscrupulous level will be unfair to the thousands who've been communicating with me. Given your simple and definitely not complicated mind, I think it's best to advise you and your lot to continue selling your wares to your simple minded President Mnangagwa and the structure that he created for you and his white Rhodies, Matebeleland Collective."

Mhlanga is known for his radical stance against Shona dominance in Matabeleland.

Source - Byo24News