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Prophet Isaiah Sovi descends on Bulawayo

by Mandla Ndlovu
13 May 2019 at 19:20hrs | Views
Sandton based leader of the Imperial City Church Prophet Isaiah Brian Sovi will be in Bulawayo on the 25th of May where he will holding a Prophetic and Impartation Service.

The event which will be held at Homestead Conference Centre Main Auditorium will commence at 11AM.

Speaking to this publication Sovi said, "We are very excited about our upcoming event for the first time ever in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe on the 25th of May 2019. I and my team are looking forward to the event! We believe God will deliver, heal and set His people free. God has a special word for his people in Bulawayo."

Prophet Sovi, who is the spiritual son of Emeritus Uebert Angel, leads a growing church that has presence in Southern Africa, the Americas and the Middle East.

He is known for issuing prophecies that come to pass and rare miracles which include healings of incurable diseases and resurrections.

Recently the Office of the President of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi and the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services (DIS) invited Sovi to come and resume his church and philanthropic work after he was unceremoniously barred from the country during the tenure of President Seretse Khama Ian Khama.

He was the first Prophet to be invited by the Mayor of Lusaka to come and bless his office when he was inaugurated.

Last week a Prince of one of the leading tribes in Namibia visited his service in Sandton where he gave a testimony of how Prophet Sovi prayed for him and caused his bank accounts to be unfrozen after three years of being locked by the government.

Source - Byo24News