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Mnangagwa in trouble over land compensation

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 May 2019 at 15:49hrs | Views
National Patriotic Front Jealousy Mawarire is blowing his top over revelations that former white commercial farmers might get back land as compensation than agree to take money.

Commercial Farmers Union Director Ben Gilpin was quoted by media saying "To pay me, government has to take money from taxpayers. Wouldn't it be ok that, instead of excluding me from farming, you give me a land lease where I pay money to the state to meet its obligation?,"

Responding to Gilpin Mawarire said, "The counterrevolutionary Emmerson Mnangagwa is now handing back land to our erstwhile colonizers. So why did more than 50 00 Zimbabweans die if the land they were fighting for is now being handed back to those who colonized us in the first place? ED admin is a cancer we should be worried of."

Mawarire said NPF was willing to fight for the land if it was given back to the whites even for leasing.

"As the NPF, we say no to sell outs, counterrevolutionaries and Western puppets who seek to use Our land to buy phyrric legitimacy. Our youths, most Zimbabweans and our women, did not benefit from fast track land redistribution. What the hell is ED trying to do now?

"We will FIGHT for our land. We will resist efforts to appease the west by the coup president. The land is ours and blood was shed for that land. We have watched ED giving away our minerals, now he is reversing the gains we made since independence. This is unacceptable. The Junta PF can steal elections but Zimbabweans won't allow them to hand our land back to our former colonizers. Zimbabweans should unite to resist such counterrevolutionary moves by ED's illegitimate regime."

He added, "Anyone who intends to dispossess our people of THEIR LAND won't just instigate a political, social or economic crisis but a spiritual crisis as well."

Source - Byo24News