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Man eats stray cats

by Staff reporter
18 May 2019 at 05:35hrs | Views
WHETHER it's a reaction to runaway from beef prices or just the love for meat, a Sakubva man has pulled a shocker by eating stray cats, which he grills with passion.

As word spread about the emerging weird dietary regime, The Weekender visited Frank Tapfuma at his house in the OTS Section of Sakubva to record what is taking place from the horse's mouth.

Tapfuma confessed to eating animals like baboons, monkeys, squirrels and his latest delicacy being stray cats, popularly referred to as "mabonga" in Shona.

Apart from being rabid and violent, these cats are often linked to processes of the underworld and juju.

"All I want is to prove people wrong on which meat is poisonous or not. I started eating cats while I was a little boy and here I am. I am healthy and have never fallen sick because of eating cats," he said.

Tapfuma has recorded several clips on how to kills the cats, skin them and the actual grilling process.

From the carcass he only throws away the intestines and the gall bladder, which he said were not edible.

"It tastes like chicken. I enjoy cat meat especially when it is grilled, unlike when boiled or fried," he said.

He said he was not killing people's pets, but was targeting stray ones, which are usually a menace to society.

"I do not kill people's cats. I only hunt those that are homeless and live in the streets, ‘mabonga'. As long as the cat does not belong to anyone, you can call me and I will help you get rid of it," he said jokingly.

Tapfuma said he does not require weapons to hunt the cats.

"Cats are so easy to hunt; rabbits are even complicated because you have to use stones. For cats, I just grab and kill them with my hands. I do not need any weapon to kill a cat. My hands do all the work," he boasted

Source - manicapost