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ZANU PF officials clash over corruption list

by Mandla Ndlovu
25 Jun 2019 at 04:19hrs | Views
ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Gokwe-Nembudziya Mayor Justice Wadyajena has condemned the press conference that was done by ZANU PF Youth League on Monday to name and shame alleged corrupt officials in the private and public sector.

Wadyajena said the conduct of the Youth League was taking the country back to the days of the former First Lady Grace Mugabe.

"We've backslid to the Grace era where G40 youths used extortion against citizens to avoid public lynching." Wadyajena posted on Twitter. "A country can't be dictated to by a bunch of youthiz at a presser. Do they even understand the consequences of alleging corruption by head of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe?"

ZANU PF Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs Lewis Matutu had fingered Henrieta Rushwaya, Obert Mpofu, John Panonetsa Mangudya, Jacob Mudenda among the list.

Mangudya laughed off the allegations as sheer nonsense.

"It's nonsense, I don't do that at the moment I am actually working for my country," he was quoted saying.

Henrieta Rushwaya threatened to sue Matutu saying it is him who is corrupt "Matutu asked for Mining equipment from me on Friday and I told him to produce a mining certificate and if that makes me a Cartel leader, then so be it," said Rushwaya

Source - Byo24News