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Chamisa's councillors caught in illegal stands racket

by Staff reporter
02 Jul 2019 at 08:18hrs | Views
Some MDC Alliance councillors in Marondera are reportedly illegally selling residential stands in Hunyani Timberlands to unsuspecting home-seekers, sources have said.

This paper is reliably informed that the councillors are collecting money from people, promising to give them residential stands in Hunyani Timberlands, the same piece of land that is currently being eyed by an investor who is set to construct 17 000 housing units once the deal is approved by Cabinet.

According to a reliable source, the MDC Alliance leadership in Marondera has been notified of the actions by some of its councillors.

"The party leadership was notified of the actions by some of the councillors who are collecting various amounts of money from residents on the pretext that there will be stands in Hunyani Timberlands. The leaders in Marondera are seized with the matter and have since warned the culprits," said the source.

Marondera district MDC Alliance spokesperson Farai Nyandoro said it was a criminal for councillors to collect money from home-seekers.

"I am not sure as to the authenticity of the claim or allegation of such rumours. It is, however, a criminal act for any councillor to go about collecting money from desperate home-seekers as councillors are not council employees," he said.

Marondera mayor Chengetai Murowa yesterday blamed individuals who he said were there to tarnish the image of the councillors.

"We are a law abiding party, whoever is doing it must be dealt with according to the law. I don't think there are councillors doing that, but individuals who want to tarnish the councillors. There are some wayward individuals misleading the general public and I want to tell the public not to give money to anyone, but to council and be on the waiting list. We are not a mafia council, but a local authority which respects the rule of law," Murowa said.

The illegal land dealings hardly after another scam that left thousands of home-seekers duped after being promised stands in 2015 during Zanu PF campaigns. The residents parted with $1 500 for the stands in Elmswood and up to date none have been delivered. Some of the victims have on numerous occasions threatened to invade and allocate themselves land at Hunyani Timberlands.

Source - newsday
More on: #Chamisa, #MDC, #Scandal