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Zanu-PF Youth League told to bring evidence

by Staff reporter
05 Jul 2019 at 07:52hrs | Views
Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has summoned the Zanu PF Youth League to bring evidence of corruption against the ruling party and Government bigwigs named recently for possible prosecution.

Zanu-PF Youth League last week denounced corruption by naming and shaming individuals alleged to be involved in corrupt and underhand dealings in a ploy to sabotage the economy and President Mnangagwa.

Addressing a Press conference in Harare yesterday, the newly appointed ZACC chairperson Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo invited the Youth League to bring the evidence.

"We have also taken note of the trending list of the alleged corrupt top Government and Zanu-PF officials by the Zanu-PF Youth League. "We are summoning the Youth League to bring evidence of corruption against those implicated with a view to prosecuting such corruption cases"

In a recent interview, Zanu-PF deputy secretary for Youth Affairs Lewis Matutu said it was time to shame those involved in shady deals at the expense of the majority.

"As the vanguard of the party, the Youth League cannot leave President Emmerson Mnangagwa alone to fight the cartels in the economy," he said.

"We are fully aware of all the corrupt cartels and very soon we will be exposing the rogue elements."

Source - the herald