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Mnangagwa's youth revels in Lupane East victory

by Staff reporter
06 Aug 2019 at 07:35hrs | Views
THE Zanu-PF Youth League yesterday said the party's resounding victory in the Lupane East by-election held on Saturday was confirmation of the revolutionary party's goal of empowering youths in mainstream politics.

The Youth League's Deputy Secretary for Education Mbongeni Dube polled 6 371 votes beating close rival Mr Dalumuzi Khumalo who got 4 500 votes to win the seat left vacant following the death of Sithembile Gumbo in April this year.

The Youth League Deputy National Secretary for Administration, Mabutho Moyo, said the New Dispensation under President Mnangagwa was committed to empowering youths, with 16 now in Parliament on the party's ticket.

"The fact that our Deputy Secretary for Education polled more than 6 000 votes means a lot as that's a very high figure for a by-election because usually we get a third of registered people voting, but Dube beat that.

"We are very happy as the Youth League that Dube has opened a lot of doors for youths in the province by the fact that he managed to stand. This gives hope to a lot of youths that they can be MPs," he said.

Moyo said now is the time for Dube and the party to deliver on promises made during the campaign period. "The New Dispensation now has about 16 youthful MPs, something that had never happened since 1980. With President Mnangagwa, a number of youths have actually broken through to be Members of Parliament.

"This is a message to show that Zanu-PF is still a giant. In a nutshell we are very happy despite all the negative narratives that our detractors are pushing, the people of Lupane have said we have hope in the Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP) and President Mnangagwa. What is left now is for us to fulfill the promises that we made to the people of Lupane for them to have confidence in Mbongeni Dube," he said.  

Moyo said during the campaign period, the Youth League engaged different sectors of the economy in the province with a view to pushing for development. He said the Youth League leadership visited Lupane State University in Lupane and St Luke's Hospital after the health institution was gutted by fire recently.  

Dube's role now as an MP is to mobilise for the resuscitation of the facility, said Moyo. Zanu-PF Matabeleland North provincial chairperson Richard Moyo paid tribute to all party structures that were involved in the campaign.  

"We have been camping in Lupane for the last month to retain our seat. This seat has always been ours and the opposition really wanted it, but the people chose us. Even the wards in Bubi and Nkayi were ours, they wanted them, but the people have expressed their trust in Zanu-PF.

"The people still have faith in the leadership of President Mnangagwa and trust that he will lead us into economic prosperity," said Moyo.

Source - chronicle