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There Will Never Be Hope for the Prosperity of the Youth in Mugabe's Reign says Ncube

by Staff reporter
08 Jul 2012 at 08:59hrs | Views
KARIBA - For as long as Mugabe remains in power there will never be better life let alone a hope for it, for the young people in this country as has been shown by his well calculated motive to destroy the country's economy.

It is only under the MDC government that the youth will get decent jobs and genuine chances of entrepreneurship. This was said by MDC President Welshman Ncube while addressing   hundreds of MDC supporters in a public meeting in Kariba Business Centre last week.

"The power is in your hands (youth) to remove Mugabe. As long as Mugabe is in power you have no chance of finding a decent job, you have no chance of starting a business. This country can't afford to have Mugabe for another 5 years. This country can't experiment with Tsvangirai for 5 years. Go and organise for the Green party, a party that has capacity to rebuild this country" - said MDC President Ncube.

The MDC leader went on to tell the people of Kariba that central government system has failed the people of Zimbabwe as a whole therefore the time has come for a devolved system of government that will enable the people to control their resources and enjoy the fruits. He cited the example of the produce of Lake Kariba that does not benefit the local communities, but a few well connected people from the capital. President Ncube said the MDC is the only party that has fought and defended devolution of power, it was thus important to vote into power the people that will understand the system and have passion to see to it that it succeeds.

"We have fought for devolution that you may control your resources, it will be there in the constitution, what is now important is to vote for the party that will see to it that it is properly managed so that we realize its fruits. I can assure you that such people are not found in any of the parties but only in this MDC so we have to mobilise people in large numbers to vote for this party,' he said.

President Ncube reaffirmed that social justice will forever top the agenda of a just and a fair Zimbabwe. He said the MDC government will live up to the expectations of the people by making sure that the government sticks to its traditional role of the provision of shelter, water, education, health care and decent jobs for all.

"The MDC government will make sure you have water, a home, access to medical health care, access to education and  make you prosperous. Vote for the Green Team. It is the only party that will deliver to you. Vote for a party that has peoples interests at heart. Vote MDC". - MDC President." said the MDC Leader.

Source - MDC
More on: #Mugabe, #Welshman