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'Multiple women corrupted Mnangagwa'

by Mandla Ndlovu
06 Oct 2020 at 11:22hrs | Views
Former cabinet Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo says multiple relationships have messed up President Emmerson Mnangagwa's sense of morality or lack of morality.

Moyo as was being interviewed on Live Chat with Josey, a show run by Josey Mahachi, said, "It is a moral disaster that we have a President who has women and children all over the place. While it's a personal matter and none of our business and while those persons involved are Zimbabweans they must be respected because they are also protected by the Constitution regardless of their relationships. There is the point that these relationships have messed up Mnangagwa's sense of morality or lack of morality.

"He does not have the common decency that is required for a person holding that position. He has the moral decency of a mafia. No country deserves that."

In 2018, Moyo alleged that President Mnangagwa has about 41 children.

"Well in the spirit of the so called new dispensation allegedly based on truths and transparency, the public awaits confirmation of whispers that Emmerson has at least 41 children," tweeted Moyo then.

Source - Byo24News/ Live Chat with Josey