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Prophets in spiritual showdown

by Staff reporter
09 Oct 2020 at 21:32hrs | Views
AN epic spiritual showdown is looming between two of Bulawayo's famous prophets - Madzibaba Emmanuel Mutumwa and Mduduzi Dube popularly known as Black Elisha with the former challenging the latter to a contest where they would focus on miracles that change the fortunes of the impoverished.

The two men of God find themselves pitted against each other in a battle which has the makings of a holy war after Black Elisha, founder of Christ Life Generation Church rose to fame with his jaw-dropping "Spiritual Padlock" healing which enabled him to allegedly "centrally lock" a cheating married man.

The youthful prophet claimed besides providing stability in homes the ‘‘spiritual padlock'' also unlocks spiritual opportunities that were inaccessible in people's lives.

Black Elisha, who also sparked controversy late last year when he sensationally prophesied that he had seen a vision of two local "prominent" prophets falling from grace after being haunted by allegations of adultery insisted that the "spiritual padlock" was real.

Meanwhile, his persistence that "spiritual padlock" was real seemed to have drawn the ire of Madzibaba Mutumwa of the Johanne Masowe Yechishanu.

In a hard-hitting response Madzibaba Mutumwa who also claimed to have performed a number of miracles took a dig at Black Elisha's claims saying they didn't uphold him as a true man of God.

He apparently labelled Black Elisha a little more than a scam artist, accusations which the latter (Black Elisha) shrugged off.

"He is not imbued with the power of prophecy, which makes one able to heal the sick and pray for one's prosperity but that of a witchdoctor which makes one able to use muthi or juju to perform miracles. A real man of God doesn't use supernatural powers to end a problem but prayers. For the many years I have worked as a prophet, I have never seen or heard of a man of God who uses magical powers to heal," charged Madzibaba Mutumwa who claimed he started prophesying at the age of eight.

He adds: "Central locking is anti-Christian. If a true prophet is consulted by couples who have problems in their marriage the best remedy is to pray for them, not to centrally lock one of the parties. Central locking is done by traditional healers not by prophets who are traditionally regarded as true messengers of God."

He said Zimbabweans should question the kind of miracles that prophets were obsessed with.

"Men of the cloth don't use such ways to counsel. They use prayers. These are traditional healers who are performing petty miracles before they rush to the media in their desperate bid to find fame," dissed Madzibaba Mutumwa before he challenged Black Elisha to meet him for a contest where they would focus on miracles that change people's lives for the better.

Black Elisha, however, stood his ground saying he was ready for the spiritual contest adding that those criticising him were being motivated by "jealousy and spite".

"Those people who are criticising me are fighting for my success story in both prayer and healings. I am not a witch-doctor but a real and gifted man of God. I don't use black magic but I'm ordained by the pure power of God," said Black Elisha.

He challenged everyone who does not believe or doubts his ability to heal to visit his church in Old Magwegwe before he explained what "spiritual padlock" healing was all about.

"Spiritual padlock is all about changing the fortunes of the impoverished or unlocking destinies that have been cursed by the devil. We have many people whose marriages, pregnancy, jobs, love, money and businesses are being withheld in the dark spiritual realm - all these should be unlocked, the floodgates of Heaven should be opened and the people of God should live the life that the Lord their God designed for them," explained Black Elisha.

Source - bmetro