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Kasukuwere demands release of Takudzwa Ngaidzore from jail

by Mandla Ndlovu
14 Oct 2020 at 13:55hrs | Views
Former Cabinet Minister Saviour Kasukuwere has demanded the immediate release of President of ZINASU, Takudzwa Ngadziore who is currently languish in prison after being arrested for staging a demonstration at Impala Car Rental.

Posting on Twitter, Kasukuwere said, "Let this young man free! He is a child and growing. This is wrong. Free him. He is young and our future. This picture is painful. Let Taku go to college. Please!"

National Patriotic Front Spokesperson Jealousy Mawarire questioned if it was a criminal offense to question about the abduction of citizens.

"This brave young man is supposed to be at school but is being held captive by a military junta which is averse to being questioned about abductions happening in our country. Is it now criminal demanding that institutions allegedly helping these abductions are questioned?" Mawarire said.

Source - Byo24News