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Oskido mourns his father Esaph Mdlongwa

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 Oct 2020 at 10:22hrs | Views
South African based award winning artist Oskido has posted an obituary mourning his father Esaph Mdlongwa who passed away at Bulawayo's Mater Dei hospital on Thursday.

According to reports Mdlongwa ad a lengthy battle with diabetes and succumbed to Covid-19 after being admitted earlier this week.

Said Oskido, "It's with great sadness 2 let you know that I have lost my old man due to COVID19, a great man who inspired me to understand the value of life. So long Mdala, rest well. I will see you again in the next lifetime. You've showed us a way & shone the light Akwehlanga lungehlang."

Coommenting on the sad incident MDC Alliance vice-president Welshman Ncube said "He was firm, principled, compassionate, kind and trusting ... He dedicated his entire life to the struggles of the working class, the poor and the downtrodden. The giant of a man, Esaph Mdlongwa, the consummate nationalist trade unionist cum politician who was a mentor and a father figure to those of us whom he took under his protective wing, departs this world when the country he loved so dearly is in great strife."

Source - Byo24News