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WATCH: Police set vicious dog on imbiber

by Simbarashe Sithole
04 Apr 2021 at 07:49hrs | Views
Zimbabwe Republic Police officers at Mvurwi station on Good Friday allegedly released their vicious dog on one beer patron at a local bottle store.

Benjamin Mutsandiani (42) was mauled by the dog on the left leg and passed out before being taken to the police station to pay a fine.

Mutsandiani told that the police denied him the right to medication by not giving him a medical affidavit.

"I was caught around 8pm at a bar where l wanted to relieve myself, when the police pounced on beer patrons they thought l wanted to run away and set their vicious dog on me. l was mauled on the left leg since l wanted the toilet l passed out after the dog bite," he explained.

"We were taken to the police station while l was crying for help yet they were concerned about getting the fine.l paid and asked for a medical affidavit and they said they could not give me since l was at a bar, so l am paying for my own bills but l am struggling since l do not have a formal job."

Mashonaland Central police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe could neither confirm nor deny the case saying he would get back to this reporter after consultations.

Meanwhile, bars were forced to close last year as a way of mitigating the deadly Covid 19 pandemic.

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Source - Byo24News