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Man jailed for sexually abusing a corpse

by Shelton Muchena
15 Apr 2021 at 12:41hrs | Views
Harare man who once made headlines sometime in January for sexually abusing a corpse has been jailed for 11 months.

Bigman Sipiliano was convicted for violating the corpse's rights and indecent assault after he grabbed one of the female mourners from behind for trying to pull him away from the corpse.

 Sipiliano of house number KB169 Jacha  Epworth has been sentenced to 11 months in prison for sexually abusing a corpse.

In his sentence, Magistrate Isheunesu Matova ruled that Sipiliano had degraded the constitutional rights of the dead body. Said Matova

It is weird for a person to go on top of the corpse and do s.e.xual movements. The court is aware of the constitutional rights of dead bodies. The matter could be worse if he removed his manhood.

On the first count of violating the rights of the corpse,  Sipiliano sentenced for six months imprisonment. The sentence was, however, wholly suspended on the condition that he performs 210 hours of community service at Epworth Police Station.

On the second count of indecent assault, Sipiliano was sentenced to five months imprisonment and two months were suspended on the condition that he does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.

Three months were further suspended on the condition he performs 105 hours of community service at the same police station.

The magistrate noted that Sipiliano was a family man and he would give him a chance to look after his family although his moral blameworthiness was high. Sipiliano had denied the allegations, saying he only went on top of the corpse but did not sexually abuse it.

Source - Shelton Muchena