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Chitungwiza plots blitz against illegal car parks

by Staff reporter
01 May 2021 at 08:44hrs | Views
CHITUNGWIZA Municipality says it will conduct a joint operation with the police to rid the town of illegal car parks mushrooming in the dormitory town as well as unregistered car sales and brick-moulding businesses.

Acting town clerk Tonderai Kasu warned people engaged in the illegal activities to cease operations forthwith or risk prosecution.

"Council is going to conduct a joint operation with the security sector so as to bring order and sanity in the town," he said in a statement.

Kasu said the wanton disregard of council bylaws had seen the mushrooming of illegal car parks and traffic obstruction, making life difficult for motorists.

He also said the town would crack down on an influx of illegal sand poaching, causing land deformation and degradation.

"Whenever poachers abstract sand, they do not rehabilitate the land and this is a cause for concern," Kasu said.

Source - newsday
More on: #Blitz, #Parks, #Illegal