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Zimbabwean born Scottish MP takes oath in shona

by Staff reporter
19 May 2021 at 06:30hrs | Views
ZIMBABWEAN born Scottish politician, Maggie Chapman has made history by becoming the first Scottish legislator to take oath in the European country's parliament in the Shona language.

The 41-year-old lawmaker was born in Zimbabwe and despite relocating to Scotland, has maintained her links to Zimbabwe.

Chapman is a Member of Parliament of the Scottish Green Party representing North East Scotland.

She took her affirmation in Shona, translating it from the English language which it should be officially done.

"Ini Maggie Chapman ndinotsidza nemoyo wangu wese kuti ndichave mutsigiri anovimbika uye akatendeka wamambokadzi Elizabeth navose vachatongwa mushure mavo ndichiita zvose izvi pamutemo," she said taking her affirmation in Shona.

"I am not a native speaker but it is the language of my country of birth, so I am bringing a little bit of Africa into the parliament chamber.

"It is a wonderful thing to celebrate the different heritages of the different parliamentarians and it says something about our openness to the rest of the world."

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Scotland, #Oath, #Shona