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Mzansi Express kits Zimbabwe Saints

by Staff reporter
23 May 2021 at 07:26hrs | Views
TRANSPORT company, Mzansi Express is set to kit Division One returnees, Zimbabwe Saints once the season starts as the former Premiership champions look to bouncing back into top flight football.

The entity donated tracksuits to Saints on Friday with a full kit set to be availed to the club once the Southern Region Division One league commences.

Mzansi Express representative, Elson Mugade said they are committed to seeing one of the teams in the country with a rich history getting back into the top flight where it belongs.

He said his entity will partner Saints in the long run.

Chauya Chikwata are targeting spending only a year in Division One as they seek to bring back lost glory.

Speaking during a donation ceremony held Friday at the Zimbabwe Saints Clubhouse in Queens Park East, executive committee chairman, Felix Dzumbunu said their target is to play in Division One for only one season before storming the Premiership.

"Saints belong at the top. We only want to stay one season in Division One but we understand you have to crawl before you walk, however, this is our target," he said.

Board of trustees' chairman, Vincent Pamire believes they have learnt their lessons and are now ready to bring back the former Premier League champions for good.

Pamire said they have done due diligence in their latest revival campaign and is convinced nothing stands in the way of the former Premiership champions' revival.

Pamire said beating Highlanders and Dynamos is what the Saints family is missing.

Chauya Chikwata received training bibs and tracksuits from Sunset Trans Africa Funeral Insurance and Mzansi Express respectively.

Saints also received balls from their fundraising and mobilising director, Henry Mushonga.

"I blame myself because we did not do due diligence when we left the team when I was heading for Zifa but we have done that now and this will ensure the team does not go down.

"The Saints family is happy when we beat Highlanders, when we beat Dynamos, our aim is to play among the top teams," he said.

Sunset Trans Africa Funeral Insurance representative, Grey Pote said they are with Saints for the long haul and will continue partnering the side when it gets into the Premiership.

Pote urged the club to look ahead and not rely on past glory if they are to make it back to the top.

"In this country we have a problem of over glorifying the past instead of looking into the future and I believe for Saints to succeed now they need to look ahead and even when it comes to leadership, it is the young that should lead the club into the future," he said.

Source - sundaynews
More on: #Mzansi, #Express, #Saints