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Chinamasa appointed Zanu-PF acting commissar

by Staff reporter
02 Jun 2021 at 18:49hrs | Views
PATRICK Chinamasa, the Zanu-PF secretary for finance, has been appointed Zanu-PF's acting political commissar as the governing party prepares for the 2023 national elections.

The outspoken politician takes over from Victor Matemadanda.

Matemadanda, who is also the Deputy Defence Minister and Gokwe Central MP, is set for reappointment as Zimbabwe's ambassador to Mozambique.

The Maputo post became vacant in February this year following the death of Douglas Nyikayaramba who succumbed to Covid-19. He was interred at the National Heroes Acre.

Chinamasa's appointment was announced this Wednesday by Zanu-PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo.

Chinamasa served most of the year 2020 as the ruling acting party's spokesperson as the incumbent SK Moyo battled with ill-health.

Since the removal of now self-exiled Saviour Kasukuwere as the Zanu-PF political commissar in November 2017, no politician has been at the helm of the post for long periods.

After the removal of Kasukuwere, President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed Elbert Rugeje, but removed him in May 2019 and he was replaced by Matemadanda.

Rugeje was accused of presiding over chaotic Zanu-PF primary elections ahead of the crucial 2018 national elections, which Mnangagwa won narrowly against Nelson Chamisa, the MDC Alliance presidential candidate.

To date, Chamisa accuses Mnangagwa of rigging the 2018 presidential election result. In the 2018 elections, several Zanu-PF officials also defied party orders and stood as independent parliamentary candidates after losing in primary elections resulting in the defeat of the party in some constituencies due to a split in votes.

During his time as political commissar, Matemadanda was also accused of failing to organise and manage the December 2020 district coordinating committee elections held across the country. The elections were marred with violence, vote-buying, and serious factional divisions.

Chinamasa's appointment comes when Zanu-PF is on an ambitious national recruitment drive to reach five million supporters ahead of the 2023 elections where Mnangagwa is again expected to face a stiff challenge from MDC Alliance's Chamisa.

Source - newzimbabwe