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Celebration of Queen Lozikeyi goes full on today

by Staff reporter
04 Jun 2021 at 02:06hrs | Views
One of Zimbabwe's most powerful queens, Lozikeyi Dlodlo's life and exploits will be spelt out through song and dance at the Bulawayo Arts Festival (Baf) today.

The event dubbed Songs of Queen Lozikeyi will be held at the Large City Hall from 6PM to 8PM.

President Mnangagwa yesterday watched a snippet of the show during the official launch of the Baf and conference and was intrigued.

Queen Lozikeyi Dlodlo was one of Ndebele King Lobengula's wives and is best described as beautiful, powerful in stature and a shrewd master of intrigue. She was the inspiration and sponsor of the 1896 Anglo-Ndebele war often called the first uprising against the British colonialists where she distributed guns, blessed the troops and was consulted by the commanders of the uprising including Nyamande, son of King Lobengula and Hawana Mayisa.

To celebrate her, powerful female musicians from the city will sing songs about the powerful Queen of the Ndebele nation.

Nkwali and Thandi Dlana will be the lead singers, with Dudu Sibanda, Zanele Manhenga and Thandeka Moyo being the backing vocalists.

Six songs will be sung and these are The Story, Halala Lozikeyi, Asambeni, Mbungazeni, Queen Lozikeyi and Sizopika.

The Story, which will introduce Queen Lozikeyi to the people is a narration of her greatness, bravery and excellence in leadership.

Asambeni is an invitation to celebrate the life of Queen Lozikeyi and her city.

Mbungazeni is about praising and celebrating the physical and spiritual strength of Queen Lozikeyi. Queen Lozikeyi on the other hand, speaks of the legacy and visibility of Queen Lozikeyi and serves as a reminder that women have leadership qualities that allow them to be heard and recognised.

Sizopika is centred on how women maintain their strength despite the challenges that they continue to encounter.

The song Halala Lozikeyi was commissioned by the Queen Lozikeyi Trust, an establishment that was set up by her descendants to preserve her legacy. The song sung by Nkwali, salutes Queen Lozikeyi through evocative, upbeat lyrics, a fitting tribute by a great artiste, herself a queen of Ndebele music. The track is meant to celebrate Queen Lozikeyi's achievements, resilient governance and her victory over colonialists.

According to organisers of the event, the Songs of Queen Lozikeyi will take people through a journey of understanding a woman who possessed many traits, some good, others questionable and most misunderstood. "They (songs) tell of a strength that will leave people in awe of the woman that she was. These songs let you in on her internal struggles, her highs and lows. They introduce Queen Lozikeyi Dlodlo to the world and show you where she hails from.

"The songs will basically give people a glimpse of the importance of culture and faith not only to her, but to her people - a people she loved and protected with her all. Through these songs, you will hear the thumping of feet with amahlwayi resonating to the rhythm of the drum in consonance with melodious singing," said organisers.

After this performance, all-female imbube group, Nobuntu will take to the stage. Thereafter, a Bulawayo Top 10 songs live performance will close off the show.

Source - the herald