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Kazembe Kazembe suffers major defeat

by Mandla Ndlovu
09 Aug 2021 at 09:25hrs | Views
ZANU PF Mashonaland Central Provincial Chairman Kazembe Kazembe suffered humiliation after the party's commissariat department reversed his decision to co-opt new members into the Provincial executive committee.

The Home Affairs Minister is said to have called for the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) where he chaired and managed to co-opt four members, three of whom are his allies who were allegedly put to fight in his corner.

Kazembe was accused of demoting the provincial political commissar known as Tsine and promoted him to vice-chairperson, a less powerful post.

He also co-opted one Kararira who is his close ally and his right-hand man Mudzingwa was given the vice secretary for security and Mazowe Central member of parliament Sydney Chidamba was also co-opted to deputy secretary for finance.

ZANU PF Acting National Political Commissar Patrick Chinamasa confirmed that the co-options are illegal therefore null and void.

Kazembe is accused of making the co-options in a move to consolidate his power base ahead of provincial elections set to be held in line with the ZANU PF constitution.

The embattled Kazembe faces a stiff challenge from James Makamba, Lazarus Dokora, Sam Parirenyatwa, and Monica Mavhunga who are vying for the Provincial chairmanship.

Mashonaland Central ZANU PF officers accuse Kazembe of using his home affairs portfolio to arrest and intimidate opponents and those believed to be backing his opponents.

"Nicholas Goche fell victim to Kazembe's wrath after he was arrested on livestock allegations at the behest of Kazembe who is the Minister responsible for police," a ZANU PF member told this reporter. "Lazarus Dokora the chairman of the ZANU PF mash central working committee for the party's National People's conference was also demoted by Kazembe from chairman to coordinator. Kazembe unilaterally demoted Dokora after reports that Dokora was a clear favorite to land the provincial chairmanship."

Source - Byo24News