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Nabbed poachers bash cops

by Simbarashe Sithole in Guruve
13 Aug 2021 at 02:33hrs | Views
GURUVE based Criminal Investigations Department (CID) officer Tsitsi Rushizha cheated death after three suspected poachers went riot and assaulted her colleagues with axe handles after they were arrested in position of ivory.

The matter came to light at Guruve magistrates courts yesterday where Lazarus Tizora appeared before magistrate Rumbidzai Mugwagwa.

Prosecutor Albert Charewa alleged that on August 2 Ruzhizha and parks officials Jambawa Gutu, Veremu Warren and Evelyn Mumera received a tip off that Tizora and his two accomplices were selling ivory and the team approached the trio.

They purpoted to be buyers and the trio surrendered the ivory to them

When the team told the trio that they were arrested the trio took axe handles and started assiulting parks officials.

Attempts to assault Rushizha were fruitless as they claimed to be seeing strange things on her.

They managed to only steal her phone and belongings but parks officials were heavily assaulted and are currently admitted.

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Source - Byo24News