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Man commits suicide after being accused of possessing goblins

by Staff Reporter
26 Aug 2021 at 12:56hrs | Views
A 61-year-old man from Torero compound at Ledbury farm in Matepatepa committed suicide after being accused of possessing goblins and blamed for causing mysterious fires at the farm by a traditional healer known as 'Tsikamutanda'.

Mashonaland Central police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Naison Dhliwayo said Almeda Geos drank poison on August 20 and died upon admission at Bindura Hospital.
"This followed accusations by a traditional healer who was invited to cleanse the area. We appeal to the public to seek police or counsellors guidance in times of psychological social problems."

The mysterious fires at the farm started on June 27 and razed down about 30 houses at Torero compound.

Although the fires briefly subdued after a month, reports are that another 27 huts at the next farm called Burnridge Farm were burnt down.

Source - the herald