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Dokora steps down in Chairmanship race

by Paul Ndou
28 Sep 2021 at 06:50hrs | Views
FORMER cabinet Minister Lazarus Dokora who was eying ZANU PF Mashonaland Central provincial chairman post to ouster the incumbent Kazembe has stepped down. is reliably informed that Dokora is now eying the vice Chairman post giving way to a surprise candidate to battle it out with Kazembe.

"Our candidate Dokora who had shown interest in the chairmanship race previously, has stepped down for a surprise candidate in the forthcoming provincial chairmanship post, this is because he has been too busy in mobilizing resources for the conference hence it needs his full attention," the source said.

Dokora could neither confirm nor deny saying he was in a meeting and would call back soon after the meeting which he never did up to the time of this publication.

However, Dokora once reported an assassination attempt by Kazembe's cabal when he clearly declared that he was interested in the post.

Businessman James Makamba is one of the emerging giant who has shown interest on the  post and has  been on the ground for a long time.

Source - Byo24news