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Zimra boss wins gong

by Staff reporter
30 Sep 2021 at 02:17hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE Revenue Authority acting (Zimra) commissioner-general Rameck Masaire was the recipient of the Chartered Secretary of the Year for 2020 by the Chartered Governance and Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe (ICG ) award.

Masaire was honoured for having improved his organisation's service delivery through implementing innovative technologies and smart partnerships with telecommunications companies while also being instrumental in availing housing units for staff members.

Presenting the award to Masaire, ICG Zimbabwe chief executive Lovemore Gomera said the Zimra boss had been instrumental in fighting corruption through the Combating Corruption television programme while playing a major role in the implementation of the Authorised Economic Operator programme, thereby managing to achieve and surpass all set revenue targets of the authority.

Gomera said Masaire had managed to spearhead the transition from manual to online systems, such as the electronic cargo tracking system, and had proposed dry port sites.

"He has introduced alternative client interfaces and online client solutions amid COVID-19 restrictions.

"He stabilised the organisation by filling critical vacant executive positions.

"He also launched a change programme designed to improve service delivery by bringing about positive changes in the authority's work culture, technologies, systems and processes." Gomera said.

In accepting the award, Masaire said he was honoured to have received the recognition considering that he was still working to transform the organisation.

"I never thought the award would come to me this year as I am still working very hard to transform our organisation," he said.

Tendai Kanjanda, who is the  Nyaradzo Group finance director was the runner-up for the award.Kanjanda received the award  following his company's nomination as the best in its trading category in 2020, for successful implementation of premium pricing reviews that improved his company's expense ratio from 34% in 2019 to 26% in 2020 and separating the company's assets to aid transparency and accountability  in the management of public funds.

Kanjanda  played a pivotal role in managing the company's financial resources in the midst of increased COVID-19-induced claims.

This year the  institute also presented its members with new certificates describing them as corporate governance and accountancy professionals, the new title for members of the institute.

This followed the branding transition for the institute from Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe to Corporate Governance and Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe