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Ndolwane Super Sounds star snubs Roil BAA

by Staff reporter
07 Oct 2021 at 02:28hrs | Views
Martin "The Big Boss" Sibanda of Ndolwane Super Sounds has snubbed the Roil Bulawayo Arts Awards and will not appear at the event because he has other plans.

The nominees were announced on Friday and The Big Boss was set to battle it out with Insimbi zeZhwane and Madlela Sikhobokhobo on the Outstanding Rhumba category.

Sibanda says while he is grateful for being nominated, focusing on the awards will divert him from his plans for the year.

"While it is good to be nominated, since the year is about to end all my efforts are on finishing my year's plans. These plans include me and all of you my fans promoting my two singles Khumbudzo and Phalaphala, while we wait for more songs. I therefore, pass this opportunity to others," wrote The Big Boss on his Facebook page.

He repeated the same reason when he was reached for a comment by the Chronicle.

Since the release of Uyavuma album, Martin seems to have changed strategy and is focusing on doing more collaborations with artistes outside the rhumba circle .

He collaborated with South African poet Venda-boy on the Venda single Khumbudzo and is currently promoting another single Phalaphala that he recorded with the ShigaShiga and Venda-boy.

One of the organisers of the BAA, Nkue Nkala said they have not received official communication from Sibanda about his decision.

He said Sibanda will be snubbing his fans who nominated him for the award.

"I am hearing this from you and I did not see the Facebook post you are referring to. We cannot force anyone to be part of this. It is not organisers who recognise artiste's efforts, but the people. He is turning down his fans and there is nothing we can say or do about it," said Nkala.

He said they can only remove him from the nomination list if he formally communicates with the organisers.

In 2019, Oskido turned down nomination for the awards, saying he did not qualify for the Outstanding Arts Personality from outside Bulawayo as he said he was born in South Africa.

Source - The Chronicle
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