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ZANU PF a terrorist organisation MDC Veterans Activist Association (MDC VAA)

by Stephen Jakes
17 Oct 2021 at 14:18hrs | Views
MDC Veterans Activiust Association (MDC VAA)  National Spokesperson Mandava Blessing has described the Zanu PF as a terrorist organisation following admission by Zanu PF Commissar Patrick Chinamsa that the activists who attacked MDC Alliance leader and members belonged to his party when he said they were provoked.

"Chinamasa's diabolical statement in defence of the marauding thugs who were hired and bussed to attack President Advocate Nelson Chamisa in Masvingo exposes the hand behind these barbaric attacks," Mandava said.

"Chinamasa's weird and absurd allegations that "President Nelson Chamisa was forcing himself on ZANU PF supporters...." is an admission that the attack on President Chamisa was a ZANU PF baby which was well coordinated by bonafide ZANU PF members and choreographed with the full knowledge of the powers that be in ZANU PF."

He said Chinamasa should stop smoking whatever he is smoking.

"Alleging MDC Alliance stage managed the attack is nauseating. How can MDC Alliance rope in known ZANU PF officials like Sabhuku Nemanwa and the armed police and their trucks in this so-called "Drama of the century," he said.

"ZANU PF has proved that it is not a political party but a terrorist organisation which believes in thuggery, barbarism, cronyism, terrorism, unconstitutionalism, one party statism, the erosion of the  civil liberties, freedoms and the decimation of the founding values of this nation."

Mandava said Chinamasa's presser proved to all and sundry that age is catching up with him and that he is watching too many cartoons.

"He is behaving more like a cartoon character than a Political Commissar. His statement is pregnant with malice and void of intelligence and Ubuntu. By describing President Chamisa as "mad", he has revealed his deep-seated hatred for President Chamisa. He has proved that he hates him with a passion," he said.

"By admitting that ZANU PF members indeed attacked President Chamisa, Chinamisa ignorantly admitted that indeed ZANU PF is working hard to close all the democratic space for the MDC Alliance and has also ignorantly and stupidly admitted that the police  details who were harassing MDC Alliance officials were doing so on their behalf. He has also stupidly and arrogantly admitted that ZANU PF has declared war against the MDC Alliance."

He said Chinamasa has also ignorantly admitted that President Chamisa and the MDC Alliance are giving ZANU PF sleepless nights.

"By attacking President Chamisa, it has now been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that President Chamisa and the MDC Alliance are the only opposition in Zimbabwe and all the other Political Actors are following a ZANU PF script, no wonder why they are not being attacked wherever and whenever they hold their meetings whether in private or public," he said.

 "These coordinated attacks prove that ZANU PF has been harbouring intentions to fight the MDC Alliance.In August 2021,after the unveiling of the Mbuya  Nehanda statue Bernad Chiteme a ZANU PF youth promised unrelenting attack of President Chamisa and his supporters in a video which went viral. He was not even arrested for inciting violence despite the availability of video footage."

"In 2008 ZANU PF  led the nation into a bloody episode which saw many MDC members killed or victimised. Chinamasa's attitude shows that something of this nature is being brewed."

"As the march towards the 2023 plebiscite continues we shall not sit back, relax and watch as the nation slithers into anarchy. As peace loving citizens we shall employ all constitutional means and mechanisms to safeguard the country's peace, stability, integrity and Democracy from both internal and external enemies who would like to destabilize the nation for their own selfish gains."

Source - Byo24News