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Manhunt for Zimbabwe most wanted robber

by Staff Reporter
30 Oct 2021 at 13:53hrs | Views
One of Zimbabwe's most wanted armed robbery suspects, Conwell Junior Kasambarare (26) believed to be part of Musa Taj Abdul's gang, and is facing a plethora of robbery and housebreaking charges has jumped bail and police are now hunting him down, yet again.

He was rearrested early this year on charges of committing a spate of heists countrywide, including the famous Mashwede Holdings robbery.

He was granted bail on these armed robbery charges last month but on Tuesday failed to turn up in court for his latest remand hearing and a warrant of arrest was issued.

His suspected accomplice, Mike Harris Chiyangwa, did appear in court as ordered before Harare magistrate Mr Ignatio Mhene but Kasambarare failed to turn up so the State represented by Mr Shepherd Makonde applied for the warrant of arrest.

The two are accused of robbing Petzim Service Station in Machipisa, Highfield, in this latest case. Sources close to the investigations from CID Homicide, which deals with all serious violent crime including robbery, said they were making frantic efforts to locate Kasambarare whose whereabouts are still not known.

On Tuesday this week, the court heard that the two had allegedly armed themselves with an unknown pistol and iron bars then went to the service station in a Mazda truck.

Upon arrival, they asked the security guard whether they had fuel at the pump then suddenly one of them pulled out the pistol and pointed it at the guard.

They allegedly force marched the security guard to the store room where they tied his hands with a belt and ordered him to lie down before breaking into the office and there stole a medical kit, hair clipper and a generator battery before proceeding to the next shop stealing 14 Exide batteries.

When the two were arrested, they allegedly implicated Spicer Takawira and Chamu Takawira as their accomplices and those two are also being charged for the same offence. Kasambarare of Budiriro 2 was arrested together with two other alleged accomplices, Luckson Mudyara (47) of Budiriro 1 and Mike Chiyangwa (32) of Old Highfield.  

In February, police launched a manhunt for Kasambarare after he was released last year on bail after facing charges of being part of a gang committing a spate of armed robberies countrywide. He was rearrested but managed to get admitted to bail again.

Spicer Takawira, an alleged accomplice in the Machipisa robbery, was recently arrested on charges of house housebreaking and theft. Kasambarare, Takawira together with Leo Mandaza, Godwin Kusikwenyu and another man only identified as Chamu, allegedly committed seven cases of housebreaking and theft in Harare.

Takawira, Musafare Mupanhanga and Kasambarare are also alleged to be part of the gang that raided Mashwede Holdings last year and got away with over US$100 000, R42 000, $14 000 worth of fuel coupons, firearms and 20 live rounds of ammunition.

In March last year, Mashwede Holdings lost the cash to five workers and nine suspected robbers.

Among the five workers were two brothers related to the business owner, while two were security guards.

The five workers, Mupanhanga and Kasambarare, were then arrested and appeared in court where their case is still pending.

Source - Herald