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Chamisa's supporter suffers trauma after Zanu-PF violence

by Staff reporter
22 Nov 2021 at 05:56hrs | Views
THE Alliance member, who was recently attacked at his homestead during the opposition party's leader Nelson Chamisa's tour of Mashonaland West Province, is suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder and needs urgent medical treatment.

Morgan Machingura (75) was seriously injured after being savagely beaten by Zanu-PF supporters for attending Chamisa's event.

His house had its roof, windowpanes and walls damaged as Zanu-PF supporters attempted to disrupt Chamisa's visit to his home in Zvimba three weeks ago.

The MDC Alliance Mashonaland West provincial administrative committee (PAC) led by chairman Ralph Magunje last week visited Machingura, popularly known as Bhiza, at his Zvimba West, home to ascertain his condition and the extent of damage to his property.

MDC Alliance provincial spokesperson, Blessing Mandava told the party was mobilising resources to enable traumatised Machingura get specialist treatment, and have his house repaired.

"The old man urgently needs specialist treatment for trauma in the aftermath of the barbaric attack at the hands of Zanu-PF thugs for exercising his constitutional right to support a party of his choice," Mandava said.

"During our tour of the homestead it was observed that the Zanu-PF attack on the homestead left eight asbestos sheets, eleven broken windowpanes and cracked walls, which render the house a death trap if the cracks are not urgently repaired in the wake of the coming rain season," he said.

He said the PAC, in line with the party's thrust to stand with its membership and victims of Zanu-PF's terror machinery, had resolved to fundraise for the medical treatment and renovations to the staunch elderly MDC Alliance member, who championed penetration of the opposition movement in late former president Robert Mugabe's backyard.

Machingura in the past suffered three attacks for his undying loyalty to the MDC Alliance.

Three weeks ago, violent clashes left several people injured in Zvimba as Zanu-PF activists attempted to block Chamisa from meeting villagers as the opposition movement leader concluded his tour of Mashonaland West.

Several MDC Alliance were also injured as they fought battles with Zanu-PF youths who barricaded roads leading to Machingura's house with rocks.

The assailants were reportedly bused by one Leeroy Nyamukanga while Lovemore Gumbochuma, a 2008 independent parliamentary candidate and retired British soldier, allegedly sponsored the attackers.

The same gang had earlier camped at Zuva Petroleum at Murombedzi business centre where they wanted to waylay Chamisa's motorcade.

The Zanu-PF members allegedly abducted Zvimba South constituency treasurer, Maria Wemba, assaulted and stripped her naked, before leaving her for dead. She was reportedly rushed to hospital by some Good Samaritans.

Source - NewZimbabwe
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