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Campbell Musiwa: Chartered Accountant par excellence

by Staff reporter
28 Nov 2021 at 02:44hrs | Views
Mr Campbell Musiwa holds a Bachelor of Accountancy Degree obtained from the University of Zimbabwe as well as a Masters in Business Leadership Degree from the University of South Africa.

He qualified as a Chartered Accountant (Zimbabwe) in 1986. In 2020 he was awarded the status of Fellow Chartered Accountant by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe.

Campbell trained and obtained his articles at Ernst & Whinney Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) as from 1982 to and 1985. He became the first black man to qualify as a chartered accountant within Ernst & Whinney, Southern African region. After qualifying he joined KPMG Chartered Accountants in 1986 in his capacity as Senior Auditor.

During his tenure at the two audit firms he acquired extensive experience across the oil industry, banking sector, insurance sector, hospitality industry, manufacturing sector and retail industries.

In 1988 he joined the FMB Holdings Limited group in his capacity as Group Accountant. He quickly rose to the position of company secretary and chief financial officer. He also attained the position of general manager in charge of finance, information technology for a fellow subsidiary company, First Merchant Bank Limited.

In 1998, after ten years of service at FMB, Campbell acquired the entire business of First Transfer Secretaries (Private) Limited (FTS) a company in which he transformed into the leading transfer secretarial business in Zimbabwe.

Over the years, he was actively involved in the privatisation and initial Public Offers for significant parastatals and financial Institutions as well as well as multiple corporate actions within and outside Zimbabwe. Campbell has been involved in numerous corporate actions involving mergers, demergers and acquisitions, rights Issues, share splits, bonus Issues and scrip dividend offers.

In 1999, while overseeing the FTS operations, he took up a special assignment to speared-head the formation of a discount house, Global Investments House Limited, where he occupied the position of managing director.

In 2001, he played an active role in the listing of Century Holdings Limited. He also played a significant role in achieving the merging of Global Investment House and Century Holdings Limited.

In 2010 he co-founded Chengetedzai Depository Company Limited, a Central Securities Depository (CSD). His company, FTS working with a group of IT technocrats, became the lead bidder in the tender process that saw Chengetedzai win the right to establish Zimbabwe's first CSD.

Campbell is currently the chief executive officer at Chengetedzai, a position he has held since 2011.

At Chengetedzai he has played a key role in the transformation of the Zimbabwean Capital market.

Some of the significant highlights at Chengetedzai during his tenure include:-

Winning the tender to establish Zimbabwe's first CSD.

Acquired and implemented an AAA rated CSD system from a reputable vendor who has a presence in over 68 countries. The system has operated predominately on a 100 percent uptime.

Spearheading the moving away of key market infrastructures from manual or semi-automated processes to electronic platforms in line with international best practices.

Introduced simultaneous delivery versus payment for the settlement of trades

Introduced a robust collateral security maintained at the Central Bank.

Introduced settlement of trades at the Central Bank level in line with the IOSCO principles and international best practice.

Helped Chengetedzai attain an A rating from Thomas Murray, a Global rating agency for CSDs.

Encouraged and achieved significant dematerialisation of shares listed on the ZSE listed companies onto the CSD platform.

Provided a platform upon which an Automated Trading Systems could operate putting an end to the archaic open cry trading platform.

Worked on the interfacing of online mobile trading platforms such as the ZSE Direct and C Trade.

Promoted the implementation of the beneficiary ownership model, robust and impenetrable IT systems.

Campbell has sat on a number of commercial boards.

He, however, has a passion for charitable organisations where he works mostly on a pro bono basis.

He has set on the Boards of: -

Zimbabwe National Family Planning - Chaired the Audit Committee

Southern Africa Aids Trust - Played the Treasury Role

Nicholas Bhengu High School - Chairman

World Bicycle Association - Zimbabwe - Chairman

Source - The Sunday Mail
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