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Mnangagwa to preside over African Liberation Museum construction launch

by Staff reporter
20 Dec 2021 at 05:50hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is tomorrow expected to launch the Zimbabwe Defence Forces heritage monument at the Museum of Africa Liberation in Harare.

Speaking to NewsDay yesterday, Institute of African Liberation (Instak) chief executive Kwame Muzawazi said the President's visit would mark the commencement of the construction of core buildings at the facility.

"The President's visit is an important milestone which marks the actual commencement of construction works.  He will also launch the Zimbabwe Defence Forces heritage monument, which is going to serve the purpose of commemorating and observing permanently the sacrifices of those Zimbabweans who gave their ultimate sacrifice for the liberation of Zimbabwe," Muzawazi said.

"He (Mnangagwa) will also witness the signing ceremony for the construction of the next biggest mall in the country, the liberation mall, which will be within the site of the museum to support the museum. We are calling it the liberation city," he said.

Muzawazi said the mall would serve Harare's western suburbs.

He said at the launch, Mnangagwa would receive artefacts donated to the museum by the Joshua Nkomo National Foundation.

"It will also be a day that will see the signing ceremony between Instak and Nssa [National Social Security Authority] who are partnering in building a shopping mall along Kirkman Road under a public-private partnership arrangement," Muzawazi said, adding that Nssa was keen to build and administer the mall on behalf of Instak.

The idea of a Museum of African Liberation was endorsed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation in 2019.

However, the land on which the Museum of African Liberation will be constructed is at the centre of a court challenge, with businessman and Zanu-PF Zvimba South MP Philip Chiyangwa challenging Mnangagwa's administration for grabbing his land in Warren Park, which measures about 5,5 hectares.

Chiyangwa accuses government of pulling out of talks to buy the land, opting, instead, to grab it.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe