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Jonathan Moyo shows MDC the middle finger

by Mandla Ndlovu
03 Jan 2022 at 12:43hrs | Views
Professor Jonathan Moyo has vowed that he will never join the opposition MDC because the challenges facing Zimbabwe are beyond political parties.

Writing on Twitter Moyo said, "Once again, kindly note that I have never sought, I do not seek, and I will never seek to join the MDC. Zimbabwe is neither a one party state, nor a one opposition-party country. Today's challenges require Zimbabweans to find each other beyond personalities and political parties!"

Prof. Moyo has been involved in a twitter war with opposition-aligned individuals and outfits like Dr. Alex Magaisa and Pachedu.

When asked if he will not regret his utterances, Moyo said, "The word never exists for a reason in the English language. As for joining the MDC, certainly for me it's a never; and I think it's the same for most former and indeed current ZanuPF members; former MDC members will join ZanuPF in droves; but the flipside is a pie in the sky!"

Moyo is calling for a citizen's convergence for change as a vehicle to bring all Zimbabweans together in unseating the ruling ZANU PF.

Source - Byo24News