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Kasukuwere shown middle finger by Zanu-PF

by Staff reporter
18 Jan 2022 at 05:30hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa does not need the support of "moonlighting" and "failed" politicians to lead Zanu-PF to a thunderous victory in the upcoming by-elections and in the 2023 harmonised elections as he will cruise to victory riding on tangible deliverables that have transformed lives nationwide, Zanu-PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa has said.

This comes as former Zanu-PF legislator, Mr Killer Zivhu, claimed that he, along with self-exiled G40 kingpin Mr Saviour Kasukuwere and Norton legislator Mr Temba Mliswa will be routing for President Mnangagwa in the forthcoming elections.

However, Zanu-PF spokesperson, Mutsvangwa,  said in a statement that the revolutionary party had implemented people-oriented policies and programmes that speak for themselves, and which through sound economic policies such as the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) have seen the country's economy growing by over 7.4 percent.

"The party and home of the Zimbabwe revolution has noticed the attempt at grandstanding by an exiled erstwhile G40 figure who goes by the name Saviour Kasukuwere. He is in self-styled, self-imposed exile in South Africa. He issued a statement in the wake of a self-serving encounter with two vain political pretenders. Through this encounter, Kasukuwere seeks to smuggle and snuggle back into political relevance onto the ongoing and unfolding drama of the glorious Zimbabwe revolution led by President Mnangagwa, the First Secretary of the ruling Zanu-PF.

"Clearly, three years of exile after his spectacular fall from political grace courtesy of the 2017 Operation Restore Legacy have taken a toll on the mindset of the exiled G40 Kingpin. Completely out of touch with the political realities of the Zimbabwe political scene, he now seeks relevancy through some two moonlighters and pretenders.

"One of them is in limbo as a garrulous and cantankerous political independent. A lost soul rapidly losing burnish. He now desperately clutches onto the coattails of a sister who prefers to ride onto the fortunes of mainstream Zanu-PF Party and its tried and tested leader, President ED Mnangagwa

"The other moonlighter is a publicity seeking political adventurer who somehow thinks his stunts may win him followers in Masvingo Province, the bedrock of a solid revolutionary Zanu-PF support. For the record, President E D Mnangagwa has no need whatsoever of the purported and professed support of the three whistlers in the dark who wallow in the political darkness. He will win the by-elections and 2023 National Elections based on the ardent support of the Zimbabwe populace," Mutsvangwa said.

Apart from bringing economic stability, the country is being transformed through the rapid construction of roads, dams, and other key infrastructure.

After so many years of incessant droughts, the country has through people-tailored programmes such as Pfumvudza recorded a bumper harvest as the road towards achieving Vision 2030, to become an upper-middle-class economy, crystallises into reality.

With such a firm foundation, that is also underpinned by bullish global mineral prices, Mutsvangwa said the ruling party has a track record that will ensure a thunderous victory come 2023 and therefore no room for pretenders.

"The Urban Renewal Agenda will soon award title deeds to the owners of existing stock urban houses. This sprinkling of tangible achievements will drive the people of Zimbabwe to vote for President ED Mnangagwa in the 2022 by-elections and 2023 national elections.

"Zanu-PF, therefore, dismisses the political moonlighters and their desperate attempts to ride on the success bandwagon of our visionary, hardworking, and above all prosperity delivering President ED Mnangagwa.

"They can continue whistling in the dark of political wilderness. All to the blind and deaf notice of serious-minded Zimbabweans who focus on the record of unprecedented national progress," said Mutsvangwa.

It is indeed seemingly getting colder for the self-styled Mr Kasukuwere, who Mutsvangwa said was recently shunned at the ruling South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) anniversary.

"South Africa is proving to be a barren hunting ground for attention-seeking Kasukuwere. Recently, his pretentious attendance at an ANC revolutionary event in KwaZulu-Natal Province saw ex-President Mbeki ignoring him completely among the attending audience. Instead, the steeled and principled cadre, President Thabo Mbeki of the Southern African national liberation movement spent the length of time extolling his revolutionary soulmate, President ED Mnangagwa.

"President Thabo Mbeki waxed lyrical about their joint stewardship of secretive ex-police-military operations of the ANC armed struggle in the 1980s. This was at the height of the military threat of the apartheid South Africa -state apparatus".

Mutsvangwa said day to day activities of the party are managed by President Mnangagwa and not some phantom characters who cling to the coattails of their relatives in Zanu-PF for relevance.

Source - The Herald