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Teachers turn to online demo

by Staff reporter
04 Feb 2022 at 05:40hrs | Views
TEACHERS unions yesterday threatened to conduct an online demonstration when schools open on February 7 citing incapacitation. Schools are set to open next Monday for the first term.

In a statement, the Federation of Zimbabwe Educators Union said: "This protest will take place online and for teachers, it will be physical in the aspect of not attending their workstations due to Incapacitation."

The union said the demonstration would be taken to the doors of their "oppressors masquerading as their employers", who have all along been ignoring their worsening situation and working conditions.

"This protest is not an action against education, but a direct pledge and point of action to bring back sanity. We encourage people to go online showing messages of dissatisfaction and demands of change by tagging the responsible authorities so that the message reaches their ears."

Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe president Takavafira Zhou said: "It is dangerous to underestimate the power of hungry and angry teachers. Government insensitivity to the plight of starving teachers and loss of touch with reality in schools is shocking and buffling."

On Tuesday, Primary and Secondary Education ministry spokesperson Taungana Ndoro said government was unfazed by the teachers' threats, adding that it was now the norm whenever physical classes resume.

Teachers are demanding a minimum salary equivalent to US$540 which they were getting in 2018.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe