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Aspiring Zanu-PF Councillor evicts brother from family home for chanting Chamisa slogan

by Staff reporter
16 Feb 2022 at 05:27hrs | Views
Zanu-PF's aspiring councillor for Ward 40, Dzivarasekwa, Christopher Nyemba has evicted his younger brother from their parents' house for supporting opposition Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa.

The younger brother, Forbes Nyemba, told Wednesday that he was kicked out of the house by Christopher after he chanted the CCC slogan ‘Ngaapinde hake mukomana' in his presence.

Neighbours said the two brothers have over the past few weeks been frequently involved in violent fights over their political preferences.

"My brother chased me out of the house because he is a Zanu-PF supporter while I support CCC," Forbes Nyemba said.

"I was violently evicted because I have made my choice to support the Chamisa-led CCC and my brother says we cannot live in the same house since we support different parties. Now we don't see eye to eye," he added.

"Now that I have been kicked out of the house, I have nowhere to go. I have to appeal to our mother to knock some sense into my brother's head," he said.

"I have been supporting Zanu-PF for at least 15 years but opted out because of corruption in my constituency," said Phobes, who is unemployed.

Efforts to get a comment from Christopher were fruitless.

Source - NewZimbabwe