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South Africa Labour Minister slams #OperationDudula

by Mandla Ndlovu
14 Mar 2022 at 20:02hrs | Views
South African Minister of Labour Thembelani Waltermade Nxesi  (also known as Thulas Nxesi) says the government will not allow South Africans to take the law into their hands and treat foreign workers like animals.

Nxesi was speaking at a presidential imbizo in North West, Nxesi  where he was accompanying President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa.

"What we do not agree with, are the politicians who just jump into the workplaces and say they have come to inspect. Inspect what? Because when they are there, they confuse the people," he said. It cannot be allowed because they are disrupting production in those particular workplaces. We also do not agree with this Dudula approach because it creates confrontation and can lead to violence.

Nxesi said the Dudula Movement must approach the law enforcement agents instead of enganing in unlawful acts against foreigners.

"All we are saying is that Dudula must come to us and put in their proposals so that we are able to deal with this matter in an amicable way. We cannot allow violence and that is why we are going to be harsh when it comes to those areas. The police will be there to deal with that."

The Dudula Movement has vowed to push foreigners to be removed from workplaces and replaced by local South Africans.

Source - Byo24News