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Temba Mliswa compares himself to Nelson Chamisa

by Mandla Ndlovu
16 Mar 2022 at 09:25hrs | Views
Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says the harsh treatment that is being done to CCC leader Nelson Chamisa by the police during his rallies is the same treatment that he got when he was campaigning as an Independent MP for Norton.

Mliswa warned that if the ruling parties continues harassing the opposition leader instead of fixing its own house, it might get a rude awakening after CCC wins the by-elections.

Read his full statement below:

What is happening with CCC and Nelson Chamisa is what happened with me in Norton when I first came in, in 2016. They stopped my rallies and I had to get court orders for basic things; teargas were used on my supporters. There was so much victimization.

However, the system was shocked when I won because the people's resolve grew strong with the attacks. It's the same now. A lot of young people are excited, eager to bring change. Victimizing them won't work. More needs to be done to recoup votes for ZANU PF.

It is important that ZANU PF simply show its vibrancy in the youth because that is where the election will be determined. Both CCC and ZANU PF are generally equal in terms of women support. However, in terms of youth support CCC is ahead.

You can see this easily by how CCC controls tertiary institutions and the attendant activism which they have shown through their own initiative. The activism that led to the country's liberation was cultivated through such institutions and age groups.

Thus ZANU PF should be worried by the political apathy which has been exhibited within its youth ranks. It's a sign of a deeper rot, lack of actual political spine and conviction about what the party is about.

ZANU PF has to face this fact and not just be emotional, throwing punches at opponents. It needs to strategise & go back to basics and inspire the youths to believe in its ideals.

I have previously said the party needs to look at the last scenario where the President lost in areas won by the MPs. What was the problem? Where were the youth? How have they corrected those anomalies?

Source - Byo24News