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Zimbabwe 3rd bottom in World Happiness report

by Staff reporter
20 Mar 2022 at 02:23hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE has been ranked among the unhappiest countries in the world, some four years into President Emmerson Mnangagwa's ‘New Dispensation'.

This is according to a so-called World Happiness report released ahead of the United Nations-designated International Day of Happiness on Sunday.

The annual report ranked Zimbabwe 144 out of 146 countries with Finland the happiest country in the world.

Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands make up the rest of the top five.

Researchers ranked the countries after analysing data over three years.

They looked at several categories including gross domestic product per capita, social safety nets, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity of the population, and perceptions of internal and external corruption levels.

The top 5 were all European countries:

1. Finland
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Switzerland
5. Netherlands

The bottom 5 countries:

142. Botswana
143. Rwanda
144. Zimbabwe
145. Lebanon
146. Afghanistan

Source - NewZimbabwe