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State opposes Madzibaba Veshanduko bail

by Staff reporter
23 Mar 2022 at 05:36hrs | Views
THE State has opposed bail application by popular Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist Godfrey Karembera, popularly known as Madzibaba Veshanduko, arguing that evidence against him is overwhelming.

Kerembera was arrested last Thursday on allegations of insulting the police.

Prosecutor Anesu Chirenje told Harare magistrate Babra Mateko that Kerembera was likely to reoffend if granted bail.

Chirenje said five police officers are lined up to testify against the activist and as such he was a flight risk.

Karembera had also challenged his placement on remand on grounds that he was unlawfully detained but the state argued that this does not mean the court should automatically set the accused free.

The state also alleged that Karembera was difficult to arrest since he resisted police officers.

Chirenje said the bruises he sustained were a result of the scuffle and not that he was assaulted.

"We are not opposing bail because he is a CCC member as anyone is free to associate oneself with any political party of choice," Chirenje said.

But his lawyer Douglas Coltart then opposed the submissions.

"The political affiliation of the accused was centre of the arrest and torture hence everything is cantered around that," said the lawyer.

Karembera is being accused of undermining the authority of the police by insulting them.

It is alleged that he insulted the police calling them dogs.

Source - NewZimbabwe