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Zanu PF youth boss kills Chamisa's supporter

by Staff reporter
27 Mar 2022 at 08:26hrs | Views
IN A brazen show of political intolerance, Zanu PF Youth League Mashonaland Central chairman, John Nhamburo, Saturday allegedly deliberately ran over a Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) activist in Mazowe North, killing him on the spot.

The opposition party identified the now deceased as Shelton Zangaro of Chaona, Ward 21, who met his fate as he returned from casting his vote in the Saturday, March 26 by-election in the area.

CCC confirmed the incident in a tweet yesterday.

"On a sad note, John Nhamburo, a Zanu PF member intentionally hit one of our members Shelton Zangaro with his car and he died on the spot. Nhamburo is a well-known thug in Mashonaland Central. Our member was hit after he had cast his vote at Chaona, Ward 21, Mazowe North," CCC posted.

The Zanu PF youth apparatchik is not new to controversy, as recently he was at the centre of a storm in which he was abetting child labour at two white-owned commercial farms in Mashonaland Central.

He harassed, intimidated and threatened workers committees.

Nhamburo and his accomplice Shadreck Muwandi also blocked labour unionists from investigating child labour reports at the farms claiming they were working on the instructions of Home Affairs minister, Kazembe Kazembe.

The minister doubles as Zanu PF Mashonaland Central provincial chairman.

The pair recently caused drama at Blackforby and Tavydale farms owned by Nick and Peep Mattison, where they allegedly threatened to harm a delegation that had visited the farms on a fact-finding mission to establish reports on child labour.

The delegation included provincial labour officer, Andrew Nyekete, National Employment Council (NEC) and labour unionists from Progressive Agriculture and Allied Industries Workers Union of Zimbabwe (PAAWUZ) led by secretary general Phillip Mafundu.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Zanu-PF, #Chamisa, #Kill