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Phelekezela Mphoko's son praises Zimbabwe Army

by Mandla Ndlovu
05 Apr 2022 at 12:59hrs | Views
Siqokoqela Mphoko, the son of the former Vice President of Zimbabwe Report Phelekezela Mphoko, has praised members of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces for playing their able role in maintaining peace and stability within the borders of the country.

In a Facebook post, Mphoko said, "Sometimes we take for granted the peace we enjoy in our country. If a person decides to drive from Mdzarabani to Marondera to Binga we are free to move at anytime of the day or night. We need to take time and thank our brothers and sisters in the Military ( ZDF ). They are the first line of defence and the last line of defence. We really appreciate you."

When some of his followers questioned why he was praising the army when it has been accused of committing human rights abuses he said, "Sometimes we just need to understand that we have peace and must be thankful for it. We are not invaded by anyone. I'm just merely saying thank you for that. I don't see the harm in that."
Mphoko's father is a former military commander, was in charge of the logistics department of the Zimbabwe People's Army during the liberation struggle.

The Russian-trained former ZIPRA freedom fighter was part of a five-member ZIPA Command that was a joint operation between Zanla and Zipra forces.

He was Zapu's representative in Mozambique just before independence in 1980.

Source - Byo24News